20 November 2023

 New in Faith! 



Congratulations! You have accepted Jesus as your savior! That is big! You have been born again. Now what? 

Every new believer once they have accepted Jesus and have received the Holy Ghost goes through a High. You have never felt the spirit the way you are feeling him now. Here is the down part. Welcome to the War! 

Yes, we are at war with the devil and his minions, but now we have Christ and the Holy Spirit on our side. You did not know it but until you accepted Jesus, the devil thought you were his. You have been born again in the spirit and now you need guidance to make your faith stronger. Yes, you can make your faith stronger. Mine grows every time I pray, read the bible, tell others about Jesus. So, what do you do now? 

First, find a church or group if you have not already that believes in God’s Word and his son. It is important to have friends of faith that can help you when you are in doubt or stumbling. It is important to have fellowship with other Christians because we all need each other to grow and be encouraged. As a new believer, we need the support of other believers around us to help you grow in him. 

Second, read the Bible. This is important because it has God’s word inside. The Bible stands for Basic Information Before Leaving Earth. That may sound funny, but it is true. The Bible is God’s way of talking to us. The Bible instructs us to read the Bible and listen to God from his word. There are so many verses that help us get closer to God. John 3:16 is a good start. “For God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten son and whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” There are many others for you to find. 

Third, Pray, pray constantly, pray about everything. Pray thanking God for the good and the bad. Yes, even the bad. God has a plan for you and if you give your troubles, stress, and life to him, HE can help you and guide you. 

  1. Philippians 4:6 - Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 

  1. Mark 11:24 - Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. 


You are a new Christian, follower of Christ. Trying to follow him is now a way of life that will bring you more joy than you can imagine. God and Jesus are preparing a place for us in Heaven. Death should not scare you anymore. Hateful words and curses should not bother you! Read Ephesians 6:10-18 about Gods Armor. 

Father, we praise your name and thank you for all you have done for us. We ask you to look deep into our hearts and help us understand your words that we may live according to your will. Father in heaven, may our faith grow stronger each day and please bless us in every way. Amen. 

20 November 2022

 Thou shalt not Kill. 


Four little words engraved in stone by God’s own handThese words are listed in the 10 Commandments in the Book of Leviticus chapter 20.   How far is the scope of thisIn wars we kill the enemyWe kill animals for foodWe put down animals calling it a mercyWe constantly kill bugs that enter our homeThere are people who abort children just because they don’t want the childHow far is the scope. 

Thou shalt not killThis isn’t just a sentence or commandment, it’s a way of lifeWhen does life begin? 

Does life begin at conceptionIf so, those that manage to take medicines to stop further growth of the eggs are killingThose that take meds to prevent the meeting of the ingredients for life from meeting are not killing but preventing life.   I’m seeing many people (Women) telling the government that abortion is a rightI disagree, it’s a choiceKeep your hands off my body!”  The women say to the governmentInstead, they should have said that before the process of conception began to their partnerThen they would have no reason for pills or the abortion of an unwanted child. 

War wouldn’t be war if there wasn’t killingBut why warJust because people look different than you or have other beliefs isn’t a good reason for warJust because you want more land doesn’t mean that you should kill so you can take the landPeace is preferableTalks shouldn’t break down because you reach an impasseFinding common ground is a way to begin any compromise. 

FoodIs it okay to kill for itI for one am a meat eater and killing for food is common in today’s lifeAnimals are killed to provide the meat in grocery stores(Didn’t you know that?)  There is an alternate lifestyle called the Vegetarian but, some plants are killed in order to provide the foods they eat.   Pests are killed in the production and cultivation of their foods.   

How far reaching are those words“Thou shalt not kill.”  Do we starve? Do we allow our already crowded world to have more childrenDo we war on othersAfter every war the world has had, more people are born, and the population usually ends up higher than before the war. 

Thou shalt not kill.  Father, we praise your name and thank you for all you’ve done for usWe ask you look deep into our hearts and help us understand your words that we may live according to your will.  Father in heaven, may our faith grow stronger each day and please bless us in every way. Amen. 


04 June 2022

 Do you fear God? 


The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. 

Proverbs 16:6 

 By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the Lord men depart from evil. 


          We’re taught that God is a benevolent and loving God. He has our backs, and through his son saves our souls. BUT! Do we fear him.  

When the time for Judgement comes, we will be standing before him answering for what we have done here on earth. Have we grown in Christ? Yes, his son did die for us. His blood washes away our sins.  

Do we fear God? Just because Jesus saved us doesn’t mean we won’t be answering God for what we have done. Do we live righteously? Do we strive to follow Christ’s ways? 

We need to listen to what God tells us. I know that I’m a “Work in Progress” and every now and then God says, “are you sure you should be doing this?” We need to stop measuring God by our standards. It’s so easy to pick up a cell phone or go online and go to sights that create lust or greed in our hearts. We need to watch this. These things grab on to us and we’re locked in, spending our money and taking our time when we could be spreading the word. 

Evil is purged when we fear God. He loves us and has given his son for us. Let’s live for him. Father in heaven, may our faith grow stronger each day and please bless us in every way. Amen. 

  New in Faith!       Congratulations! You have accepted Jesus as your savior! That i s big! You have been born again. Now what?   Ev...